The Big Bang:
EMI: Animal & Environment, EMI’s sister journal just released!

Emerging Microbes & Infections (EMI) is delighted to share with you the exciting news that EMI: Animal & Environment is formally launched by our publishing partner Taylor &Francis on October 28, 2024.

Prof. Jürgen A. Richt from Kansas State University will be serving as the Editor-in-Chief of EMI: Animal & Environment, Prof Shan Lu from University of Massachusetts Medical School will be serving as the executive editor and Prof Zhong Peng from Huazhong Agricultural University will be serving as the associate executive editor.

EMI: Animal & Environment is a peer-reviewed open access journal publishing groundbreaking scientific research on emerging pathogenic organisms from animals or environments which have an inter- and intra-species transmission potential with a specific focus on those influenced by the change of environment.

Building on the legacy of its sister Journal EMI, which has become a global leading scientific journal in the field of human emerging infectious diseases, EMI: Animal & Environment expands the horizons of emerging infectious disease research to report novel findings on the growing importance of animal-based infections and environmental impact on both human and animal pathogens.

EMI: Animal & Environment encourages an interdiscplinary approach to investigating emerging organisms and infections in animals as well as any environmental factors associated with such infections.

Subtopics of the Journal’s focus include but are not limited to:

  • Rapid communication of outbreaks and new diseases in animals
  • Clinical manifestation
  • Vectors and intermediate factors
  • Environmental source and relationship to climatic changes or human activity
  • Diagnosis using molecular biology and pathology tools
  • Mechanisms of infection and host defense
  • Vaccine and drug development
  • Epidemic surveillance
  • Antimicrobial resistance
  • Environmental control
  • Pandemic preparedness, control and prevention

EMI and Taylor & Francis are supporting a 100% APC discount for all authors of EMI: Animal & Environment until 1st April 2025.

For submissions, please go here and this is for visiting the official website of EMI: Animal & Environment. For any inquiries, please contact:

130 Dongan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200032, China
Tel: +86 21 54237992
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